As part of our company’s annual Founder’s Day, using a theme of “We Think Better,” we challenged all of our employees in the field to send in to corporate the best ideas they and their co-workers had come up with since the beginning of 2008. We suggested three areas of focus for the ideas: the customer, the company, and the team. The response was both surprising and gratifying. Within a one-month period, more than 83 ideas were submitted – covering a wide range of topics, from steps taken to improve the first experiences of new employees, a homegrown recycling effort that saved the customer nearly $1700 during the first year, to ingenious ways to meet volume fluctuations. Their ideas touched on critical business areas, including network design, warehousing operations, transportation solutions and management, information systems, customer collaboration and customer service, workforce utilization, employee relations, business process integration, accounting, quality control, and environmental initiatives.