From SCDigest's On-Target E-Magazine
- March 16, 2015 -
Supply Chain News: Total Number of US Cargo Thefts Down in 2014, FreightWatch Says, but Criminals Getting More Sophisticated, as Value per Theft Soars vs 2013
90 Percent of 2014 Thefts from Unsecured Lots, Thieves Use of Jamming Technology Rising
SCDigest Editorial Staff
Cargo theft in the US continued to be a major issue in 2014, with the total number of incidents down a bit from the previous year, while the value of the cargo per incident soared, as the thieves continue to be more organized and innovative.
SCDigest Says: |
FreightWatch says it found the use of signal interference devices (jammers) in three cargo theft related incidents in 2014. |
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All that from the analysts at FreightWatch International, which has just released its 2014 report on cargo theft activity in the US.
In 2014, US cargo thefts were down 12% in terms of incidents - but that still meant there were 794 thefts during the year, a sizable number, or about 66 per month on average.
However, while the total number of incidents was down a bit, the value of the cargo involved was way up year over year, after a couple of flat years in terms of that average value. The average value per theft last year rose 36%, to just about $233,000. As recently as 2010, however, the average value per incident was around $500,000.
The number of total cargo thefts and their average value is shown in the graphic below.
As opposed to other parts of the world, including areas of Europe, violent cargo hijackings are almost unheard of in the US. FreightWatch says that as usual the vast, the vast preponderance of cargo thefts last year came trucks being left unattended.
"90% of all thefts in 2014 occurred when the truck was stationary and unattended. The reported severity of this is most illustrative when compared to other similar western countries (such as United Kingdom or Germany) where a comparative number would be 20%," FreightWatch notes. "U.S. criminals have not had to resort to escalating their tactics as a target-rich environment of unsecured opportunities continues to be present."
Along the same lines, FreightWatch says that in 2014 87% of all thefts with a known location occurred within areas of "unsecured parking." The most frequently targeted unsecured parking areas were truck stops with 42% of the total, public parking with 23%, and roadsides at 15% of all thefts.

Source: FreightWatch
Conversely, theft from secured parking fell from 11% of known locations in 2013 to a miniscule 2% in 2014.
(Transportation Management Article Continued Below)