From SCDigest's On-Target E-Magazine
- March 25, 2013 -
Supply Chain News: Update: Bi-Partisan Group of Congressmen and Senators Ask FMCSA to Delay HOS Rules
Separate Letters from Legislators to Ray LaHood and Anne Ferro Ask for Same Three-Month Delay from Court Decision FMCSA Already Rejected After Request from ATA
SCDigest Editorial Staff
Update March 25, 2013, 11:50 am ET
With the trial underway in the American Trucking Associations' lawsuit to have new Hours of Service (HOS) rules set to go into effect July 1 tossed out by a Federal appeals court (see original story below), legislators from both sides of the aisle and houses of Congress have asked the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to delay implementation of the rules until three months after the court issues its decision - assuming of course the court rules in the government's favor.
The ATA made a similar request itself in late January, only to see that bruskly denied by the agency a month later. The issue, of course, is that carriers could potentially incur a lot of cost switching to enforce new rules that might later be thrown out, meaning a reversion back to the current rules. It is not at all clear that the court will render a decision before the July 1 deadline.
First was a March 18 letter to current Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood from top majority and minority members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee requesting the same three month delay from the date of the ruling that the FMCSA rejected after the ATA request.
"A stay on the HOS rule would avoid costly and unnecessary training of enforcement officials and alleviate any confusion regarding the impact the court's decision could have on the HOS rule," said representative Bill Shuster, chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
Two days later, another letter was sent to Anne Ferro, administrator of the FMCSA, by senator Susan Collins, ranking member of the Senate Committee on
Appropriations and the subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban
Development and Related Agencies, and congressmen Thomas Latham and Ed Pastor.
The letter noted asked Ferro "to quickly reconsider that ill-advised decision [to not put in place the delay] to provide a reasonable delay in the effective date (July 1), especially given the uncertainty of any court ruling."
The letter added that "Delaying the July 1 effective date of the rule is the most responsible course of action to take given the uncertainty of where the court will come down," noting that "This is not to suggest we are taking a position on the substance of the litigation. Rather, we simply believe the effective date of the rule should be extended due to the timing of the court decision and the resulting uncertainty in the affected stakeholder communities."
The FMCSA itself has estimated that the trucking industry will spend more
than $300 million between now and July 1 to train drivers, make software
changes and implement other efforts to prepare for the new rule.
The FMCSA has refused to comment on the letter, saying it never responds on issues that have court proceedings in progress.
Original Story Published March 19, 2013
A Lot at Stake for Shippers, as Federal Appeals Court Hears ATA Suit on Hours of Service
Show down at OK Trucking Corral this week, as a Federal Appeals Court began taking testimony Friday in the suit by the American Trucking Associations to stop or delay implementation of new Hours of Service rules from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Despite widespread industry objection, the FMSCA approved the rule changes in late 2011, but did not set them to go into effect until July of this year. There are a number of changes, but the two that appear of greatest concern to truckers (and thus shippers) involve new rules limiting the use of the 34-hour restart period to once every seven days, as well as inflexibly mandating 30-minute off-duty breaks during the workday after no more than eight hours of driving.
SCDigest Says: |
In an environment already marked by growing shortages of truck drivers (turnover reached 98% in 2012, the ATA recently said, the highest level since 2007), the hours of service changes are sure to put a hit on driver and asset productivity. |
What Do You Say?
There are multiple legal threads going on here. Last summer, the ATA announced it would challenge the HOS rules in US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, on the grounds that the changes further restricting drivers' ability to work and drive would add tremendous cost to the economy and undue burden onto drivers. The ATA brief at the time called the rules "arbitrary and capricious" while providing minimal possible safety and health benefits. (See ATA Decides to Challenge Hours of Service Changes in Court.)
Those arguments in began Federal court last week. Meanwhile, in late January, the ATA sent a letter to the FMCSA asking it to delay implementation of the rules until after court decision is rendered, though the date of that decision is totally unknown. The rational, of course, is that it would be costly and disruptive to make carriers and private shippers comply with the new rules, only to see some or all of them struck down by the court.
The FMCSA would have none of that, however, and rejected the request. The ATA General Counsel Prasad Sharma then said that rather than deal in good faith with the substance of ATA's request, FMCSA hid behind an irrelevant, legalistic analysis. He added that while ATA merely asked for the agency to extend the rule's implementation deadline - a request the agency could grant so long as there is a reasonable basis to do so - FMCSA's chief counsel instead analyzed the request as though ATA were asking a court for an injunction forcing the agency to delay.
"So rather than giving ATA's request its natural reading, FMCSA contrived an analysis under an inapplicable test to critique the sufficiency of ATA's request," Sharma also wrote.
Testimony Begins
So with type of relationship between the ATA and FMCSA as backdrop, testimony in the court began last Friday.
The ATA's primary arguments for striking down the changes have to do with how the agency used statistical studies and approached the cost-benefit analysis required now for regulatory change.
"The existing rules have a proven track record, and the agency's purported reasons for tinkering with them were baseless," said Sharma in a statement Monday. "We're hopeful the judges will see through the agency's mere pleas for deference and after-the-fact explanations for a rule that was agenda-driven rather than evidence-based."
In its initial brief last July, the ATA said that the FMCSA "claims that restart restrictions and the off-duty break requirement are justified by the cost-benefit analysis in FMCSA's Regulatory Impact Analysis. That 'analysis,' however, is a sham."
(Transportation Management Article Continued Below)