He added: "Kurzweil says "3D digital printing for physical items will explode over the next decade - and that I know will deliver huge threats and opportunities for companies and their supply chains. Companies must pay attention to this starting immediately."
In addition to 3D printing, Moore's Law is driving many other areas that impact the supply chain. For example, chip advances are now allowing supply chain software companies to solve complex problems (e.g., forecasting every SKU at every retail store) that simply took too long to compute in the past.
The same level of new computing power will enable a new generation of "always on" or real-time planning environments.
And Moore's Law is powering the amazing rise of robots of all sorts in our supply chains - a development SCDigest believes most readers would agree is sure to expand. While there certainly have been advances in the physical capabilities and dexterity of these robots, the real progress is being made in data processing power and the real-time controls of these machines.
We are early in the robotic game - with the technology following Moore's Law, we can expect some mind-boggling advances in coming years.
Drones, Cloud computing, RFID, mobility, "Big Data" - these are just a few of the other supply chain-related areas impacted by Moore's Law.
Last week, Wall Street Journal writer Michael Malone says that "If some of the recent breakthroughs in atomic-level transistors, nanotechnology and biological computers prove fruitful, Moore's Law could again accelerate, or at least continue to rule, for decades to come. It now seems more likely than ever that a thousand years from now, what will be remembered most about our time will be its stunning efflorescence of innovation and entrepreneurship. By then Moore's Law will have become Moore's Era."
Fifty years later, Moore's Law is going strong - it has a will continue to revolutionize our lives and our supply chains.
DAny thoughts on the impact of Moore's Law? Where do you see the impact going forward? Let us know your thoughts at the Feedback section (email) or button below.
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