Have you well defined your "Logistics Operating Models?"
During SCDigest's recent Leading Edge Logistics Part 1 Videocast, Razat Guarav, Sr. Vice President at i2, said logistics leaders are putting a lot of effort in defining what their organizations should look like across the globe, and what competencies and functions should exist at central/global, regional, and local levels. (To see the excellent Videocast on demand, go to: Leading Edge Logistics Part 1 - What is a Global Logistics Strategy?).
The graphic below, taken from the Videocast, shows one potential approach to defining a global logistics operating model.
There is no "one size fits all," of course, but some functions and capabilities do tend to make more sense at each level than others. The key though is to proactively define what the "should be" state is, including where and how Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) should be used, Gaurav said.
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