-June 5, 2008 |
Sustainability and the Green Supply Chain is obviously a very hot topic right now - but just how far is a company willing to take it? Finding ways to save on fuel or reduce packaging waste are, in some respects, the easy steps - getting to the next layers down can be much harder.
The graphic below was part of a presentation given by Len Sauers, Vice President of Global Sustainability for Procter & Gamble, at the Environmental Sustainability Summit conference produced by the Grocery Manufacturers' Association earlier this year. It illustrates the 360-degree, cradle-to-grave analytic framework that P&G is starting to use to drive its sustainability decisions, using the Life Cycle Assessment approach increasingly adopted by Sustainability leaders.

Source: Procter & Gamble/Dr. Len Sauers
What's most impressive to us is the wide range of factors that need to be considered across the full product lifecycle - well beyond just carbon emissions.
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