Churchill was innovative in his approach to how the war was managed and led. Having watched the failures and the inabilities of the British leaders in the WWI Churchill clearly understood that a new leadership dynamic was needed to assure victory. In this approach Churchill created new positions, new departments, and new ideas, encouraged others to think of new ideas and new methods - all in an effort to bring more resources to focus on the situation. These new departments and positions brought new vision and insight into the effort of fighting the war and created an atmosphere where the entire country was dedicated to the singular goal of defeating Nazi Germany.
Another innovation was that some of these new departments reported directly to the Prime Minister and not through the traditional chain of command of ministries within the government. By creating this direct information conduit Churchill and the senior leadership team could access raw data and information, unfiltered and unfettered by the image protection efforts of the different layers of the traditional organization. Information flowed faster so Churchill and his leadership team had a clear vision of the facts; they could see the good, the bad and the ugly; and then make clear decisions of action based off of the true facts.