Almost Winner:
"Our software vendor is offering a new "Hindsight" module."
Mark Mosby
"Remember, if it wasn't for demand variability, we'd all be out of our jobs."
Allison Helfridge
Kalamazoo, MI
"The definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Mark Millard
"Forecast at a greater frequency - like for the next four hours."
Debasis Swain
"The right idea could win a Nobel Prize"
LyAnn Rose
Nordson Corporation
"Didn't we forecast this meeting for next Tuesday?"
Robert McWhirter
"It's going to be a long, long day."
Naz Ali
"We could acquire a time machine."
Abhijeet Prakash
"There's crystal ball, Ouija board, Tarot cards, lucky dart, tea leaves, mojo bean, old dry bones, rabbit's foot…."
David Pittman
Pittco Global Sourcing Group
"All my good ideas are on back order."
Dale Stout
Colorado Springs, CO
"I use interpretive dance to express a forecast. It really works, conveying the highs and the lows. And they can't pin a variance to actuals."
Mark Aberle
Eddie Bauer
"Throwing darts at numbers left too many holes in the wall."
Susan Brittain
"Just make it so darn confusing it can't really be measured."
JoAnn Ditmer
Gainsville, FL